I acknowledge the peoples of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which I live and work. I pay my respects to their Elders, past and present – and recognise their ongoing resilience, creativity and care for Country.

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In a restless world like this is
22 June - 07 September 2024

Anni Hagberg, Katie Paine, Katrin Koenning, Leonie Brialey, Siri Hayes. 
Curated by Chantelle Mitchell & Jaxon Waterhouse

Bundoora Homestead Art Centre
7 Prospect Hill Dr, Bundoora VIC 3083
In a restless world like this is emerges in response to two works held in the City of Darebin collection; Siri Hayes’ large-scale photographs, Lyric Theatre at Merri Creek and Crossing the Merri (both 2003). Inviting responses from Anni Hagberg, Katie Paine, Katrin Koenning and Leonie Brialey, this exhibition reverberates outwards from its sources—the Merri Creek as a physical space, but also the Merri Creek as presented within Hayes’ works—to consider what might reside in the generative spaces within and between worlds.

->Exhibition website

Every particle of dust sits softly within things quiet and unassuming. Moulding into and weaving through the fourth gallery space at Bundoora Homesead Art Centre, the installation emerges from projects and materials simmering away at the peripheries of the studio;  attending to what is and that which was waiting to be.

Three screens of louver windows salvaged from a 1950’s house in Castlemaine split the room and force a circumnavigation of the space. The rough lips of the hand cut textured window panes redirect light entering through the outer windows. Hundreds of porcelain husks, once a disembowelled coir log strewn across a late summer roadside in Exford, now catch the sun as it hits the floor. Fibres crumble and forms slowly erode at every touch and vibrating footstep. The fireplace, tiled (once more); a reiteration of the space through another work once made for another place. Each tile encrusted with found gems of glass, steel and dust, also from somewhere else. Atop the mantel a small fondlerable, smooth and delectable; something made for a sharp eye and inquisitive hand. 

Every particle of dust (2024) was exhibited as a part of In a restless world like this is, curated by Chantelle Mitchell & Jaxon Waterhouse, at Bundoora Homestead Arts Centre 22 June - 07 September 2024.

Photography by Michael Pham.

Every particle of dust (2024)

Louvres, 2024, glass, steel, aluminium, 133x50x175cm, 131x175x50, 111x50x175cm.

Husks, 2022-2024, various porcelain and stoneware clays, coconut fibre, 266 pieces, dimensions variable.

Fireplace, 2023-2024, second-hand stoneware tiles, litter, miscelaneous found materials, 97x23x96.5cm.

Fondlerable, 2024, porcelain, copper, glass, glaze, steel, 13x3.5x8cm.